Ring Muscle Ups
Aren't you tired of having to scale WOD or the Open Workouts every time a musle up is included? Its time to quit struggling trying to learn or teach those muscle ups! Act now!
Are you a crossfit athlete who is struggling with that muscle up? Or are you a coach that just can't get your athletes to learn it? Or Maybe a coach that wants to include the muscle up in the WOD but doesn't know what different exercises to use to scale it (instead of the basic pull up)? Or maybe you already have your muscle up but only can do a few?
Well this tutorial is for all of you! It has over 25 pages and 40 different videos and drills to teach you an efficient muscle up no matter what your level. This is a complete tutorial going over every drill, stretch and strength exercise you will need to learn a muscle up on rings.
You may have seen Coach Keith Pettit's tips on Instagram - this tutorial is like that only much better. It consists of detailed explanations, tips, exercises, videos and pictures to help you learn that important skill. It also includes descriptions and exercises to get strong enough. Including some that he has never posted on Instagram. No matter what your deficiency may be - flexibility, strength, or knowledge, Coach Keith will explain how to overcome them. Sometimes one small tip can make a huge difference - well how about a whole book of them!
Why would I buy this when I can just search on youtube or Instagram? There are many reasons. This tutorial goes into much more detail with the exercises than is possible on Instagram or youtube and it's one document that covers all the drills and progressions in one organized place. As an added bonus you can print it out, and have it as reference material for when you go to the gym and still be able to access the videos. If you need to look at a video - use the QR codes next to each exercise and you can have instant access.
Have you seen some of the cool skills that gymnasts or bar-athletes do and wonder how they learn that? That's why Coach Keith's tutorials are here. You or your coach may have taught some gymnastics type movments but don't know what to do next. Here is a nice detailed tutorial to teach you those next, fun gymnastics type movements.
If you are a beginner or a coach, this tutorial will give you some interesting tips and drills you can incorporate into your workouts, all for less than it typically costs to do one drop in visit at a box.
Here is a sample page from the tutorial:
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